Maximize Your Clients’ Impact
The Steuben County Community Foundation can help your clients achieve their charitable and estate planning goals. Because we understand our community's local and regional needs, we can help your clients discover and connect to the projects, initiatives, and organizations that support the causes they’re passionate about.
Giving Tools
While you help your clients understand the tax implications of the following giving tools, we can arm you with resources to help them better understand their options. We can provide sample fund agreements, sample bequest language, and a copy of gift acceptance of donor privacy policies. We can also offer more details about how SCCF’s board approaches investment decisions and establishes policies to mitigate the effects of market volatility on funds available for grantmaking.
Cash, Check, and Online Donations
Your client can make an outright gift to SCCF and enjoy the tax benefits of giving to a public charity.
Your client can donate cash or property made through a will, free of estate taxes. This is the most common way that donors establish new funds at SCCF.
Appreciated Stock
Your client can donate shares of appreciated stock, allowing them to avoid capital gains tax and receive an income tax deduction. SCCF can also accept gifts of closely held stock. For wiring instructions, please call our office at 260 665-6656.
Property (Real Estate, Collectibles, Etc.)
Your client can make gifts of real estate and appreciated property through our real estate LLC. This allows your client to maximize the charitable contribution deduction while avoiding the complexity of selling real estate or property. The SCCF board reserves the right to accept or decline gifts of property.
Life Insurance
Your client can name SCCF as an irrevocable life insurance policy beneficiary. Premium payments after that are tax-deductible.
Grain Donation
If you have clients in the agricultural field, they can donate grain to grow permanent endowment funds benefitting Steuben County.
IRA Charitable Rollover
If your client is eligible, you can transfer a distribution from an IRA directly to the Steuben County Community Foundation. The money is excluded from the donor’s income for federal tax purposes, and the amount counts toward the donor’s required minimum distribution for the year.
Other Giving Tools
SCCF has administered charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts and can be the beneficiary of retirement plan assets.
Ready to help your clients achieve their giving goals?
Contact Jennifer Danic at or 260 665-6656 to learn more.