Part 1: Aligning Board Members & Key Staff

Part 1

Nonprofits look to their boards of directors to focus on governance and provide high-level
oversight. At the same time, board members generally rely on the nonprofit’s staff leadership to
execute the organization’s day-to-day priorities and steward resources in a way that maximizes
its impact. While these relationships are usually collegial and at least somewhat effective, there
can be significant room for improvement when it comes to how organizations communicate with
their boards–and vice versa. And often, the gap between effective and ineffective
communication can represent the difference between an organization that achieves its vision
and one that falls short.

This series, designed exclusively for nonprofit board and staff leaders, will address the
disconnects that often hold organizations back and outline strategies for more effective
board/staff communication. Brought to life with real world examples, and rich with practical
information, this series will inspire attendees to closely evaluate communication between the
board and the organization and implement new methods for working together more


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Sep 19 2023


11:00 am - 1:00 pm


Fred Zollner Athletic Stadium: Hospitality Suite
Trine University
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