Annual Report

Each year, SCCF publishes an annual report focused on sharing pictures and stories about the work that our generous donors make possible. SCCF would like to acknowledge those generous donors, along with the many volunteers and nonprofits who we work with each year. Below is a list of donors, grants, and committee members for our fiscal year 2021, which spans from July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. 

Anonymous Donor
Mr. Carl and Mrs. Rosie Albersmeyer
Mrs. Judy Aldrich
Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Daphne Anderson
Angola Area Chamber of Commerce
Angola Balloons Aloft/ C/O SCCF
Angola Treats/DBA Dairy Queen
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Kathy Armstrong
Ms. Lisa Athens
Autokraft Auto Body
Aviation Endeavors, LLC
Mrs. Sandra Ayres
Mr. James and Mrs. Evelyn Bachman
Balloonport of Indianapolis, LLC
Barrow Family
Anna L Barry 1991 Revocable Trust
Dr. Greg and Mrs. Rebecca Barry
Mr. Howard and Mrs. Glenna Beams
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Elaine Beckwith
Mrs. Diana Beer
Bellic River Group, LLC/dba Ben’s Soft Pretzels
Mr. Philip Bellner and Ms. Lynne Karl
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Martha Berndt
Best One Tire of Angola
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beyer
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Sandra Biegas
Bill’s Professional Towing Recovery & Repair
Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Ellen Bisson
Blue Heron Ministries
Bolger Charitable Fund
Mrs. Jill C. and Mr. Steve Borchers
Bowen Center
Mr. William and Mrs. Jennifer Brady
Ms. Danna Breeden
Ann Amer Brennan Trust
Ms. Nancy Brennan
Ms. Mary Brooke
Mrs. Lou Ann Brooks
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Karen Brown
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Sheila Brown
Ms. Sarah R. Brown
Terry and Rita Brown Fund
Mr. Thomas L. Bryant
Mr. George and Mrs. Martha Buckingham
Mr. Brett Buehrer and Mrs. Dana Diersen-Buehrer
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Suzanne Buehrer
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Marilyn Bumgarner
Mr. Craig and Mrs. Laura Burlingame
Cameron Memorial Community Hospital
Campbell & Fetter Bank
Carquest Auto Parts – Dunworth Automotive
Castle Centurion Exteriors
Mr. Greg and Mrs. Shelli Champion
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Patty Champion
Mr. Terry and Mrs. Barbara Chapin
Mr. Rick and Mrs. Tracy Chymelovski
City of Angola
Ms. Kay Clark
Clear Lake Township Land Conservancy, Inc.
Committee to Elect Denny Zent
Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne
Community Humane Shelter
Complete Collision Services
Mrs. Sue Compo
Mr. Austin and Mrs. Courtney Conrad
Mrs. Jessica Conrad
Corkle Auto Sales
Ms. Sara Craig
Ms. Suellen I. Crandall
Mr. Tony Culver
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Danford
Mr. David and Mrs. Jennifer Danic
Mr. Gary Darling
Mr. Dean and Mrs. Rosie Day
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Michelle Dean
Mr. Zachary Dean
Mr. Irwin and Mrs. Jane Deister
Dekko Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Rita Deller
Ms. Jodi Deller
Mr. Robert Devlin
Dickes Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. Byram and Mrs. Sue Dickes
Mr. Gayl and Mrs. Beverly Doster
Mr. Donald Dresser
Dry Dock Marine Center
Duraclean Specialists
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Joyce Eckert
Ms. Sally Eckrich
Eckstein Family Fund
Ms. Jeanie Eichler
Mr. Robert Elgas
Ms. Catherine H. Elkiss
Mr. Stephen Ellis
Dr. Jeanne A. Engel
Farmers State Bank
Ms. Anne Ferguson
Mr. Jerald and Mrs. Jeanne Filut
First Federal Savings Bank of Angola
Ms. Amy Fitzenrider
Ms. Mary Jo Fitzenrider
Fletcher Van Gilder LLP
Foellinger Foundation, Inc.
FOP Pokagon Lodge #163
Fort Financial Credit Union
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Carol Frederick
Freedom Academy
Fremont Community Schools
The Freund Family
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Inger Friend
Mrs. Eileen M. Fulton
Ms. Patricia Fulton and Dr. Joanne McKeag
Mrs. Kristina Gabbard
Ms. Mary Jo Gard
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gartner
Mr. Phil and Mrs. Anna Gay
Mr. Bill and Mrs. Christine Geiger
Ms. Deborah Gerbers
Mr. Terry and Mrs. Cynthia German
Mrs. Laura Szynal Getz
Mr. George and Mrs. Stacy Gilbert
Dr. David W. Goodwin
Mr. Lynn and Mrs. Sandra Greenler
Mr. William Greffin
Mr. William and Mrs. Judith Greffin
Mrs. Joyce Gutstein
H & K Properties USA LLC
H & S Automotive and Machine Service, Inc
Mr. Mark Hagerman
Ms. Marty Hagerty
Dr. Jason Hallman
Mr. Matthew Hambleton
Hamilton Foods, Inc.
Mr. Terry and Mrs. Jane Hamlin
Mr. William B. and Mrs. Marie Hanna
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Jo E. Harter
Mr. William Harter and Mrs. Shari Dean-Harter
Ms. Patricia Harter
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Kathy Hastings
Mrs. Donna Hays
Ms. Sara Hearne
Helmer Community Center, Inc.
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Christine G. Heroy
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Cynthia Hibbard
The Honarable Richard and Mrs. Lynn Hickman
Higbee Welding
Mr. Dan and Mrs. Lisa Hochstedler
Mrs. Pam Holcomb
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Jody Horein
Mr. James Hornbacher
Mrs. Karen Holley Horrell and Mr. Jack Horrell
Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Jo Ellen Hostetter
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Tracy Hughes
Mr. James P. and Mrs. Patricia Hull
Mr. James and Mrs. Sharon Humbarger
Mrs. Sharon Huss
iMAN, Inc.
Independent Colleges of Indiana
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
ISU Croxton & Roe Insurance Svc, Inc.
Jacob Insurance Service LLC
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Laura Jaicomo
Dr. Richard Johnston
Mr. Jeffery Kempf
Mr. Peter Kempf
KeyBank National Association
Mr. Stephen Kimpel
Kiwanis Club of 101 Lakes Angola
Mr. Noel and Mrs. Maggie Mulligan Knox
Mr. William and Mrs. Carol Koester
Kohart Management Solutions, LLC
Mr. Alan and Mrs. Sue Korte
Mr. Grant Korte
Margaret A. Kramer Foundation
Ms. Josie Kramer
Ms. Dolores Kuehlenthal
Ms. Janice Lampert
Ms. Kathleen Lantz
Mr. Joel and Mrs. Sheila Lash
Ms. Dorothy Lazoff
Le Peep Licensing Company LLC
Mr. Terry and Mrs. Debra Lewis
Lilly Endowment Inc.
Ms. Rosanna Lockwood
Ms. Barbara Lovelace
Mrs. Margaret Ludwig
Ms. Lauralee Macleod
Ms. Sanna M. Maloy
Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Jan Matasick
Mr. Louis F. and Mrs. Merry Mattia
Mr. Devon McArdle
Mr. Timothy and Mrs. LuAnn McArdle
Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Margaret McDowell
Ms. Jane H. Merritt
Metal Spinners a Division of Samuel Son & Co Inc
Michigan CAT
Miller Poultry
Mr. Adam and Mrs. Emily Miller
Ms. Brittany Miller
Ms. Lavonne M. Miller
Mr. Thomas Minick
Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Julie Minnick
Mr. Martin and Mrs. Shirlee Mitchell
Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Lisa Momper
Mr. Jon and Mrs. Megan Moss
Mr. Roger and Mrs. Judith Moughler
Mr. John and Mrs. Linda Mowry
Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Haley Mowry
Mr. Douglas Mulvaney
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Nila Mumby
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Carolyn Nagle
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Molly Nagle
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Rita Nedele
Mr. Walter and Mrs. Kathleen Newcomb
The New Hope Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Jerrold and Mrs. Mary Nichols
Ms. Jill Nichols
Mr. John M. Nichols
Mr. Joseph O’Neil
Mrs. Ursula Owens
Parkway Suites LLC
Mr. James and Mrs. Jean Parsell
Mr. Bruce Spangler and Mr. Tim Peterson
Mr. Gary Probst
Rademaker Family Trust
Randy P Tilbury, CPA
Martha A. Rarick TTEE
Mr. Martin and Mrs. Jennifer Rarick
Mr. David Reeves
Mrs. Frances Rehm
Mr. Thomas Reifel
Mr. Tim and Mrs. Nancy Reith
Mr. Harley and Mrs. Judy Rensch
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Romito
Mrs. Barbara Rose
Mr. Joseph A Rudick
Dr. Todd and Mrs. Barbara Rumsey
Mrs. Jeanette Russell
Mr. Dave and Mrs. Judith Russert
Mr. J. P. and Mrs. Ann L. Rysenga
Mr. Phillippe and Mrs. Susan Salsbery
Mr. Ron and Mrs. Karen Sanders
Ms. Nancy Sanders
Mr. Harold and Mrs. Dee Sattison
Mr. Mitchel and Mrs. Jessica Sattison
Mr. Don and Mrs. Carolyn Schenkel
Mr. George and Mrs. Kathy Schenkel
Mr. Timothy Schenkel
Mr. Raphael and Mrs. Beverly Schilz
The Schlosser Family
Mr. James and Mrs. Karen Schmidt
Mr. William Schmidt
Ms. Barb Schroeder
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Mary Shearer
Mrs. Barbara Sheffield
Mr. Rick and Mrs. Brenda Shipe
Mrs. Gladys Shipe
Shipe’s Spraying Service
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shock
Mr. Michael Short
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Virginia Simons
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Kristin Sine
Dr. Oren and Mrs. Joyce Skinner
Mr. Nick and Mrs. Megan Slee
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Smith
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Cynthia Smith
Mr. Chris and Mrs. Tina Snyder
Mr. Frank R. and Mrs. Josephine Snyder
Ms. Alina Sober
Sonlight Community Church
Sons of the American Legion Post 257
South Scott Union Church
Ms. Ruth Sovine
Speedgrip Chuck
Mr. Daniel Stabler
Mrs. Martha Steele
Steuben County Economic Development Corporation
Steuben County REMC
Steuben County Tourism Bureau
Steuben County United Way
Mr. John and Mrs. Diane Stock
Mrs. Anita Stock
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stockwell
Talkarico-Elgas Family
Mrs. Cheryl Taylor
Mrs. Ellen Thayn
Mr. Randy and Mrs. Katrina Thiebaut
Thrivent Funds
Dr. Dolores M. Tichenor
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Roberta Tierney
Mr. Randy and Mrs. Phyllis Tilbury
Ms. Cathleen Tillman
Mr. David Tomaski
Tri Kappa- Zeta Upsilon Chapter
Trine University
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Debbie True
Mr. Kim Tubergen
Vestil Manufacturing Corporation
Ms. Sheryl Vetter
Wagler & Associates
Walmart Foundation
Dr. Larry and Mrs. Anne Watkins
Mr. Leo and Mrs. Betty Weber
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Sharman Weber
Ms. Sharon Weber
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Nancy Webster
Mr. Scott Wehrenberg
Ms. Lynn Wernet
Ms. Greta A. Wilkins
Mr. Denny and Mrs. Polly Winzeler
Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Kim Withington
Ms. Lou Ann Withington
Wood-Land-Lakes Resource Conservation & Development
Mr. Fred Wooley
Mr. Scott Yuengling and Ms. Amy Jo Young
Mr. Marty and Mrs. Julie Zachrich
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Zeiger
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Amy Zientek
Dr. Matthew Zimmer DVM and Mrs. Susie Zimmer

101 Lakes Trust Inc
Acres, Inc.
Adrian College
American Legion Post 117
American Red Cross
Anderson University
Angola Area Chamber of Commerce
Angola Balloons Aloft/ C/O SCCF
Angola Band Boosters Association
Angola Elks Lodge #2398
Angola High School Academic Achievement
Angola Kid’s League, Inc.
Angola Parks & Recreation
Angola United Methodist Church
Art Museum of Greater Lafayette
Aviation Endeavors, LLC
Ball State University
Bethel University
Big Brothers Big Sisters of NE IN
Blue Heron Ministries
Bon Appetit
Boomerang Backpacks, Inc.
Bowen Center Angola
BSA- Anthony Wayne Council
Butler University
Cahoots Coffee Cafe
Calvary Lutheran Church
Cameron Hospital
Cameron Hospital Foundation, Inc.
Cameron Palliative Care
Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana
Carie Creager
Carlin Park Elementary School 5th Grade Class
Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County
Charles McClue Reserve
Christ Life Revival Center
City of Angola
City of Defiance – Cemetery Enhancements
Clear Lake Fund
Clear Lake Township Land Conservancy, Inc.
Clear Lake Yacht Club
College Park Elementary
Community Anti Violence Alliance
Community Harvest Food Bank of NE IN, Inc.
Community Humane Shelter
Community Reformed Church
Compassion Pregnancy Center
Courageous Healing, Inc.
Crawford County Care Center
Crossroads Drum Major and Leadership Clinic
Cub Scout Pack 3186
Defiance City School Foundation
Defiance Society of Artists
DKM Embroidery
Downtown Angola Coalition (DAC)
Easterseals RISE, Inc
Erin’s House for Grieving Children
Faith Community Health Clinic, Inc
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Fisher IT Services, LLC
FOP Pokagon Lodge #163
Four County Transitional Living, Inc.
Four Seasons Design & Remodeling
Freedom Academy
Fremont Cemetery Preservation Fund
Fremont Community Scholarship Foundation
Fremont Community Schools
Fremont Middle School 5th grade class
Fremont United Methodist Church
Fremont Youth and Community Outreach Center
Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana
Goshen Health
Habitat For Humanity of Northeast IN
Hamilton Elementary School’s 5th Grade
Hamilton Life Center
Haselrick & Cross
Hendry Park Elementary School 5th grade class
Holy Family Episcopal Church
Huntington University
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
Indiana Humanities Council
Indiana Masonic Home Foundation
Indiana University Foundation
Indiana University Ft Wayne
Indiana University/Bloomington
Indiana Wesleyan University
Ivy Tech Community College
Jan Matasick
Janet Hartsuff
Joyce Public Library
Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana
Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation
Kingdom Kids
Kiwanis Club of 101 Lakes Angola
KPC Media Group
LaGrange First Church of God
Lake James Christian Camp and Retreat Center
Land of Lakes Family Health Services
Leader Dogs for the Blind
Literacy for Companionship Inc.
Little John’s Lemonade Stand
M & C Trenching
Markey’s Rental and Staging
Marsha Drewes
McMillen Health
Metz Christian Church
Metz Volunteer Fire Dept.
Midwest Essentials
Mr. Storage
Mr. Tom Maynard
Mutton Rental
National MS Society
Northeast Indiana Land Protection Fund
Northeastern Center
Northeastern Indiana CASA
Orland Lions Club
Orland Tigers Youth League
PBS Fort Wayne
Peace Lutheran Church
Pierre Jacquay
Pizza Hut
Pleasant Lake Elementary School 5th Grade Class
Pleasant View Church of Christ
Pokagon State Park Nature Center
Pokagon State Park Nature Center Fund
Powers Church & Cemetery Assn
Powers Church Preservation and Maintenance Fund
Project Ballet
Project Help
Purdue University
Purdue University Ft Wayne
Questa Foundation for Education
Ronald Deller
Roy and Cindy Meyer Family Fund
Ryan Park Elementary Schools 5th Grade Class
S. Allen Design Architect
Saint Mary’s College
Salem Center Volunteer Fire Department
Salvation Army of Lafayette
Science Central
Shannon & Luchs Insurance Agency
St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
St Jude Children’s Research Hospital
St Mary’s Catholic Church Maintenance Fund
St Michael’s the Archangel
St Olaf College
St Paul’s Catholic Chapel
St. Martin’s Healthcare, Inc.
Stand For Truth
Star Homes by Delagrange & Richhart, Inc
Steuben County 4-H Association
Steuben County Arts and Culture Fund
Steuben County Cancer Association, Inc
Steuben County Council on Aging
Steuben County Economic Development Corporation
Steuben County Farmers Market
Steuben County Historical Society
Steuben County Lakes Council
Steuben County Lakes Council Endowment Fund
Steuben County Literacy Coalition
Steuben County Trails
Steuben County United Way
Steuben County Vocational Education Fund
Strebig Construction Inc.
The Vine Early Learning Center
Therapeutic Riding Center of Steuben County
Tibbits Opera House
Tippecanoe County CASA
TLC Steuben
Trine University
Tru Tech Design
Turning Point of Steuben County, Inc
University of Evansville
University of Indianapolis
University of St. Francis
Valparaiso University
Wee Creations Preschool
Wingate Angola
Women In Transition
Women’s Care Center NEI
Wood-Land-Lakes Resource Conservation & Development
Xavier University
YMCA of Steuben County
Youth for Christ of Northern Indiana, Inc
Z2 Marketing
ZB Promotions LLC

SCCF would like to share our appreciation for the time and energy these volunteers offer. We are grateful for their added perspectives and their commitment to our mission!

Board of Directors

Randy White
Adam Miller
Chris Snyder
Kayla Warren
Kathleen Armstrong
Brevin Bennett
Doug Bomba
Craig Burkholder
Pam Harger
Rob Moreland
Brenda Shipe
Dr. Bill Stitt

Steuben County Fiber Network

John McCoy
Chris Snyder
Ellen Bisson
Gary LeTourneau
Isaac Lee


Scott Gruner
Jim Hornbacher
Steve Mumby
Kevin Stoy
Kayla Warren
Lynn Wernet


Kathy Armstrong
Craig Burkholder
Lisa Caudill
Dr. Dave Goodwin
Pam Harger
Phil Meyer
Kathy Parsons
Brenda Shipe
Anne Watkins


Brevin Bennett
Marjorie Booth
Linda Cooper
Geri Garrard
Vicki Harris
Jill Hanna
Pam Harger
Rick Kirkton
Hope Korte
Dave Olson
Stephanie Ordway
John Peters
Susan Ralston
Jeanine Samuelson
Dolores Tichenor
Sanne Van Roessel
Anne Watkins
Galen Williams

Women’s Fund

Lois McEntarfer
Brenda Shipe
Jan Williams
Kelly Trusty
Stacy Gilbert
Delores Hippensteel
Susan Allshouse
Cindy Bond
Sanne Van Roessel

Community Fund Chairs

Richard Hickman – Angola
Craig Burkholder – Ashley-Hudson
Bill Geiger – Clear Lake
Kathy Parsons – Fremont
Mary Vail – Hamilton
Susan Culler – Helmer
John Greenamyer – Metz
Pat Kellett – Orland
Violet Ritter – Pleasant Lake
Craig Burkholder – Salem Center

Steuben County Disaster Response Fund Partnership

Kathy Armstrong
Brevin Bennett
Austin Budreau
Craig Burkholder
Pam Harger
Jerry McDermid
Laura Macknick
A.J. Wilson

FIST Advisors

Amanda Lawson
Susan Simmons
Eric Wirick

Previous Annual Reports

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